Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just Say No to Eggs: How to Bake Without Eggs - Egg-free Baking

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Yesterday I posted about the huge egg recall.  In light of this, if you're avoiding eggs, baking can be tricky.  Well...here is some help!  In most baking recipes you can use this easy substitute: Replace an egg with 1 heaping Tbsp soy flour and 1 Tbsp water.

Soy flour is available in the natural foods section of your supermarket or at a health food store/co-op. I buy it in the bulk foods section so I can get only as the amount I need. However, if you do buy a whole package, it has a shelf life of 12 months if stored in a cool, dry place (the refrigerator is best).

I have never noticed any difference using this replacement in recipes.  You also get the health benefit of being lower in fat and cholesterol free!

Find more Works for Me Wednesday tips here.

1 comment:

  1. I second this tip! This is also a great way to make just-add-water mixes for camping.


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