Monday, March 22, 2010

School Lunches are Unhealthy - Help Make a Change with Time for Lunch

The Time for Lunch campaign is a project of Slow Food USA, a network of citizens working to make good, clean and fair food available to everyone. Right now, Congress is in the process of updating the Child Nutrition Act. Our schools have serious issues with providing healthy meals to kids. Just this week, a University of Michigan study revealed that kids who eat school lunches are more likely to be obese, have higher bad cholesterol and consume twice as many fatty meats and sugary drinks thank kids who bring their lunch from home.

Tens of thousands of citizens are asking legislators to invest in healthier food, strengthen nutrition standards and link schools to local farms when Congress updates School Lunch this year.  You can help out by getting involved in your area or by donating to the campaign or by sending an e-mail to your legislators.

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